Men's Study - Spiritual Warfare: Overcoming Your Adversary
Weekly: Fridays at 6:30 AM
C. S. Lewis once said Satan has two strategies he effectively uses: get us to ignore him, or to become obsessed with him. Most of us are likely in the first camp. We’ve all been in circumstances that cause our minds to have thoughts that are unproductive, destructive, and harmful. And we wonder why we keep falling into the same thought patterns and habits in life. These thoughts are often not from God but an enemy lurking who wants to seize every opportunity to lie his way into our minds.
How do we fight this battle? Join us for this three-week study as we explore what the Bible says about Satan, what he can and cannot do, and learn how to fight the battle against the enemy of our souls.
Registration is $15, and covers materials and donuts and coffee OR dinner. If you are signing up with a friend, please make a note, as it will help with table assignments.