What does the Bible say about politics and social issues? Should religious matters be kept separate? Hear how https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/staff/keith-simon/ (Pastor Keith Simon) approaches the subject in this episode as he continues our series on https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/podcast-series/questions-youre-asking/ (Questions You're Asking). Interested in more content like this? Scroll down for more resources and related episodes, including the discussion on https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/podcasts/should-the-church-tolerate-diversity/ (Should the Church Tolerate Diversity? ) Like this content? Make sure to leave us a rating and share it with others, so others can find it too. To learn more, visit our https://www.thecrossingchurch.com/ (website) and follow us on https://www.facebook.com/TenMinuteBibleTalks (Facebook), https://www.instagram.com/thecrossingcomo/ (Instagram), and https://twitter.com/thecrossingcomo (Twitter) @TheCrossingCOMO and @TenMinuteBibleTalks.
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