Where’s Your Worth?: An Interview with Brittany and Cass from Her True Worth

Between the likes, blue check marks and perfectly curated squares of “bliss” we see daily on social media, we know it can be hard to be reminded of where our true worth comes from. Brittany and Cass are on a mission to change this narrative and want to make it possible for women to be reminded of their true identity and worth in Christ alone. We are women made on purpose for a great purpose, come join us in conversation!

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Book Info: https://www.amazon.com/Her-True-Worth-Breaking-Pleasing/dp/1400231124/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24YDCHVFVTLDA&keywords=her+true+worth&qid=1656710785&sprefix=her+true+worth+%2Caps%2C128&sr=8-1

Authors: Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer