Are you aware of the doors in your mind that the enemy will try to open?
In this third episode of our "Fighting Your Spiritual Battles" series, John Tinnin and Shay Roush take a look at the two moves that the enemy uses to try and cut us off from God's love: Temptation and Accusation.
The battle for your mind is of utmost importance, as it is the primary force that drives all of your beliefs, emotions and actions, so this is an area where knowledge and discernment are critical.
When you learn the strategies of the enemy, and effective ways to push back on his tactics, you will be empowered to tackle this daily battle.
We hope this insight helps you maintain a "sound mind" that is continually renewed by the truth of God's word.
Recommended books on this subject:
The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope by Curt Thompson
God's Devil: The Incredible Story of How Satan's Rebellion Serves God's Purposes by Erwin Lutzer
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