We constantly hear our clients wrestling with whether or not God really loves them. Have you considered that there is a powerful force persistently working to pull you as far away from God's love as possible?
The Bible explains that there is an unseen, spiritual battle hidden in plain sight that directly impacts your daily life. The enemy, described as "the father of lies", likes to prey on your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and sense of security.
The enemy will relentlessly go after your mind, your body and ultimately your wounded heart - with the intent to destroy your faith, your hope, and your ability to give and receive love.
John and Austin introduce this new series “Fighting Your Spiritual Battles” by unpacking what Jesus believed about this battle, how they’ve seen this battle personally and clinically, and the two foundational truths needed to keep perspective on this battle.
This series is designed to give you awareness of the unseen spiritual realm, where the battle began, how it works, who's in charge, and ultimately how to find strength and hope as you fight this battle.
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