
Tuesday Nights

Whether you’ve been following Jesus for a long time or aren’t sure what you believe, you belong here. Tuesday Nights are a great way to connect with other college-aged young adults, worship together with live music, and hear a message from the Bible. Then stick around after for Veritas After Hours. See you at The Crossing at 8 PM on Tuesday! 



Veritas is more than a weekly meeting. We’re a growing group of people wanting to know and be known by others. In our experience, that happens best when we have meaningful relationships to live life alongside. We have several ways to help connect you with others: Freshmen Connection Groups, Veritas Studies, or Small Groups. 


Serve With Us

We believe that Jesus wants you to play a role in making a difference in Columbia and beyond. Whether it’s through welcoming others, serving on our Music + Production team, leading a Connection or Small Group, or using your skills on creative projects and visual media, we have a place for you to help make an impact.


Connected to a Local Church

Veritas is connected to The Crossing, a church right here in Columbia. This gives students the opportunity to participate in corporate worship, serve in various areas of ministry, and connect with people outside of their college communities. If you are looking for a church to call home in Columbia, come check out one of our Sunday services – 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 CT.

Make a Difference