Lost in the Middle

Lost in the Middle

Paul Tripp

As we grow older, we look back on life and have regrets. We’re discouraged by the passing of our dreams. We realize we’re not the person we once want to be.

Some people turn into cynics. Others become paralyzed. But the Bible teaches that this life is not our destination. It’s a preparation for a final destination. And that makes all the difference.

Lost in the Middle reveals that difficulties in life aren’t evidence of God’s inattention. In fact, they are signs of His grace, love, and faithfulness. God will take us where we don’t want to go to produce in us what we couldn’t achieve on our own. It’s called uncomfortable grace.

When you begin to accept the theology of uncomfortable grace, it changes everything about your life. Aging, regret, and disappointment are no longer paralyzing realities. You no longer have to be afraid of life. You can move forward with anticipation because God is with you.

Don’t get lost in the middle of your story.

DVD study:

  1. DVD sessions are 20-25 min each.
  2. Discussion guide includes scripture and discussion questions for 10 sessions.
  3. No participant prep.

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