50 Plus Class: End Times

50 Plus Class: End Times

Room 320

For 2,000 years, people have wondered about the events of the end times and when Jesus will return. Terms such as tribulation, rapture, 666, and the antichrist are used in churches, leaving most of us either confused or not sure if we’ve joined a cult. But it is important to understand what God says about the future and how Jesus will return and restore all things. Understanding that helps us to live faithfully now.

We hope you join us for this 6-week class where we take a 50,000-foot view of what the Bible says about the return of Jesus, the rapture, the tribulation, heaven and hell, and what the nation of Israel has to do with the end times. 

Teachers: Shay Roush and Nathan Tiemeyer

Registration closed on Sunday, May 5, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Weisbrook.

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