Small Groups


Small groups are a way to experience community at The Crossing. We think it's important for every person to be in a group because having meaningful relationships not only brings joy to our lives but helps us follow Christ. They also help our big church feel smaller. Small groups help us grow spiritually through exploring the Bible, caring for one another, and praying together.

Small groups are a place that you can be known and grown in your relationship with God and others. They help create a smaller, more intimate environment to get to know others, ask questions, apply teachings to your own life, and receive encouragement in your struggles.

Practically, it's a group of 10-16 people who meet every other week in someone's home. They spend time getting to know each other. They talk about the Bible and what it means in their lives. They share about their lives and pray for one another. Groups also connect through fun social events and serving opportunities. All groups are led by trained leaders who are coached regularly by Crossing staff and pastors.

In many ways, small groups are the heart of The Crossing. They're the primary place to connect with others and develop genuine friendships. The Bible is clear: the Christian life is meant to be lived in community. This is God's design for the church.

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer... They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.
Acts 2:42-46

We need others to help us apply the all-encompassing and ultimately satisfying truth of the gospel. As we remind each other about God's grace and all of its implications, we help each other experience the genuine spiritual growth that God desires to bring about in our lives.
The first step in joining a small group is to attend one of our Small Group Previews. These occur in August and January. Here, you’ll find out what it looks like to be in a small group, hear from others who have benefitted from being in a small group, and learn what the commitment level is. Afterward, we place everyone who is interested into a new or existing small group

If you want to get involved but find yourself a few months away from one of these Previews, please email [email protected]. In the meantime, please consider attending the Discovery Class to learn more about The Crossing (this is the class required for membership). Or check out one of the other events, classes, or studies available

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