Date: September 8, 2024
Unit: A Study of 1st Samuel
Elementary Essential: God is relational: He invites us to talk to him through prayer. He is compassionate and sees, hears, cares, and responds when his children are in need.
Unit Overview:
Students will spend most of the year studying the life of David as found in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. They’ll begin to identify how no earthly king is perfect and be prompted to explore ways that Jesus is the perfect, forever king. They’ll end their year exploring what God’s kingdom is like.
For the first five weeks of the unit they will be introduced to Hannah, Eli and Samuel, and learn what was happening in the lives of their people. They’ll begin to see how God is at work in Samuel’s life and how he helps speak God’s word to the people. Finally, they’ll learn about Saul becoming king.
Lesson Title: Who Is Hannah and How Does She Pray?
Lesson Overview:
4th and 5th Graders will begin a year-long unit of study on 1 and 2 Samuel. After watching a video to introduce the book, small groups will look at the story of Hannah praying for a child in 1 Samuel 1. They’ll discuss what it looks like for us to come to God with our own unmet desires and hard things. Students will also create prayer journals to record their own requests like Hannah.
Lesson Scripture: 1 Samuel 1
Lesson Objective: Students will understand God wants us to come to him even when we feel broken, afraid, or messy.
Lesson Application: I can pray honestly like Hannah did about anything big or small.