Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6-9)
Date: September, 2024
Early Childhood Essential: God is in control.
Memory Verse: “Lord... You are faithful in everything you do.” -Psalm 89:8b
Bible Story Focus: Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6-9)
Lesson Overview:

 In this lesson, children will hear the story of Noah. They will learn that God hated the sin of the world so much that he chose to destroy everything except one man and his family because they loved and followed God. God was faithful to Noah and kept his promise. Children will also hear of God’s promise to his people that Jesus will come back and make this world good again. They will learn the significance of the rainbow and that it is set as a reminder that God was faithful to Noah and he will be faithful to us too.  

Date: September 8, 2024
Early Childhood Essential: God is in control.
Memory Verse: “Lord you are mighty. You are faithful in everything you do.” -Psalm 89:8b
Bible Story Focus: Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6-9)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will hear the story of Noah. They will learn that God hated the sin of the world so much that he chose to destroy everything except one man and his family because they loved and followed God. God was faithful to Noah and kept his promise. Children will also hear of God’s promise to his people that Jesus will come back and make this world good again. They will learn the significance of the rainbow and that it is set as a reminder that God was faithful to Noah and he will be faithful to us too.  

Circle Time Questions: (Preschool Purple Only)
  • Have you ever seen a really big rainstorm? What was it like?
  • Noah's Ark Sticker Scene

Date: September 8, 2024
Early Childhood Essential: God is in control.
Memory Verse: “Lord you are mighty. You are faithful in everything you do.” -Psalm 89:8b
Bible Story Focus: Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6-9)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will hear the story of Noah. They will learn that God hated the sin of the world so much that he chose to destroy everything except one man and his family because they loved and followed God. God was faithful to Noah and kept his promise. Children will also hear of God’s promise to his people that Jesus will come back and make this world good again. They will learn the significance of the rainbow and that it is set as a reminder that God was faithful to Noah and he will be faithful to us too.  

Circle Time Questions:
  • Have you ever seen a really big rainstorm? What was it like?
I Wonder Questions (Snack Time Discussion):
  • What did God promise Noah?
    • God promised Noah that he would protect him from the flood. God promised not to flood the earth again. God promised not to send the flood until the Ark was complete
  • Was God faithful in his promises to Noah?
    • Yes, God kept his promises.
  • What did God put in the sky as a sign of his faithfulness?
    • God put a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of his faithfulness.
  • 8:30am/11:00am: Noah’s Ark Sticker Page
  • 9:45am: Watercolor Ark Painting

Date: September 8, 2024
Unit: Creation
Elementary Essential: God is Sovereign: In the beginning he created everything. Nothing is too hard for him.
Memory Verse: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 (NIRV)
Unit Overview:

In the beginning God...Thus begins the “big God story” and creates the focus for this unit: God is our creator. God created the world and all that is in it. This unit will take kids through retellings of Genesis 1-2 and draw out the key themes of God’s sovereign love and his desire to be in fellowship with us.

Lesson Title: In the Beginning
Lesson Overview:

Kids will hear the story of our creative God making everything out of nothing. They will learn God calls us to take care of his creation and brainstorm ways to do so. They will then participate in a classifying activity and discuss the many ways to care for our earth.

Lesson Scripture: Genesis 1-2
Lesson Objective: Kids will know the world was created by God.
Lesson Application: I can take care of God’s beautiful creation.

Abraham: Promises Given
Date: September 8, 2024
Unit: Abraham: Promises Given
Elementary Essential: God is good: God always keeps his promises, and we can trust in his ways.
Memory Verse: The Lord said to him, “Abram, do not be afraid. I am like a shield to you. I am your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1
Unit Overview:

In this unit, kids will learn how God uses Abraham and his descendants to carry out his plan of redemption. Children will study God’s covenant promise to Abraham and Isaac’s miraculous birth. They will also discover that through Christ all believers are children of Abraham who receive the promise of the ultimate Promised Land—Heaven.

Unit Objectives: (Children will learn…)

  • Who Abraham is and understand that God made promises to Abraham that we will learn more about all year.
  • Through Jesus, we are children of Abraham and receive a promised land—Heaven.
  • God is their shield and only reward/treasure that will ever truly satisfy.
  • With God, all things are possible.
  • God always keeps his promises, and we can trust him.

Lesson Title: Who is Abraham?
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, kids will begin to learn about Abraham (Abram) and the promises God made to him. They will create a craft to take home and help them remember the memory verse from this unit (Genesis 15:1). 

Lesson Scripture: Genesis 11-12
Lesson Objective: Kids will learn who Abraham is and understand God made promises to Abraham and kept those promises.
Lesson Application: I can trust God to keep his promises to me, just like he did to Abraham.

A Study of 1st Samuel
Date: September 8, 2024
Unit: A Study of 1st Samuel
Elementary Essential: God is relational: He invites us to talk to him through prayer. He is compassionate and sees, hears, cares, and responds when his children are in need.
Unit Overview:

Students will spend most of the year studying the life of David as found in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. They’ll begin to identify how no earthly king is perfect and be prompted to explore ways that Jesus is the perfect, forever king. They’ll end their year exploring what God’s kingdom is like.

For the first five weeks of the unit they will be introduced to Hannah, Eli and Samuel, and learn what was happening in the lives of their people. They’ll begin to see how God is at work in Samuel’s life and how he helps speak God’s word to the people. Finally, they’ll learn about Saul becoming king.

Lesson Title: Who Is Hannah and How Does She Pray?
Lesson Overview:

4th and 5th Graders will begin a year-long unit of study on 1 and 2 Samuel. After watching a video to introduce the book, small groups will look at the story of Hannah praying for a child in 1 Samuel 1. They’ll discuss what it looks like for us to come to God with our own unmet desires and hard things. Students will also create prayer journals to record their own requests like Hannah.

Lesson Scripture: 1 Samuel 1
Lesson Objective: Students will understand God wants us to come to him even when we feel broken, afraid, or messy.
Lesson Application: I can pray honestly like Hannah did about anything big or small.