Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18: 10-14)
Date: February, 2025
Early Childhood Essential: I am a sinner who needs Jesus.
Memory Verse: “Even if we are not faithful, he remains faithful” -2 Timothy 2:13a
Bible Story Focus: Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18: 10-14)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will learn the parable of the lost sheep. Children will know that Jesus is like the shepherd in the story, and we are like the sheep. He loves all of us, even if we are lost. We need Jesus to seek us out when we sin. I am a sinner who needs Jesus. 

Date: February 9, 2025
Early Childhood Essential: I am a sinner who needs Jesus.
Memory Verse: “Even if we are not faithful, he remains faithful” -2 Timothy 2:13a
Bible Story Focus: Jesus Tells the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10-14)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will learn that parables are stories that teach us about God and Jesus. They will hear the parable of the lost sheep and learn that Jesus is our shepherd, that he will seek out his lost sheep and see them safely returned. We all get “lost” from God when we sin and try to do things our own way. I am a sinner who needs Jesus.

Circle Time Questions: (Preschool Purple Only)
  • Have you ever lost something before? How did you feel when you found it?
  • Lost Sheep

Date: February 9, 2025
Early Childhood Essential: I am a sinner who needs Jesus.
Memory Verse: “Even if we are not faithful, he remains faithful” -2 Timothy 2:13a
Bible Story Focus: Jesus Tells the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, children will continue to learn about parables and what they teach us about who God is. They will hear the story of the prodigal son and learn that God is like the father in the story. He rejoices when we come back to him even if we have made bad choices. Trusting in Jesus is how we come back to God. I am a sinner who needs Jesus. 

Circle Time Questions:
  • Have you ever done something your mom or dad asked you not to? What did they say?
I Wonder Questions (Snack Time Discussion):
  • What is a parable?
    • A story that Jesus used to teach his followers about God.
  • Does God still love us when we make bad choices?
    • Yes! God may not love all of our choices, but he always loves us.
  • How do we show God we want to come back to him?
    • Say we are sorry! Repent.
  • 8:30am/11:00am: Celebration
  • 9:45am: Maze Worksheet

Holy Week: Jesus Rescues His People
Date: February 9, 2025
Unit: Holy Week: Jesus Rescues His People
Elementary Essential: God is our rescuer: God sent Jesus to be this rescuer. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose again so that those who trust in him as their savior can have new life in him.
Memory Verse: “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. God did not send his son into the world to judge the world. He sent his son to save the world through him.” -John 3:16-17
Unit Overview:

Kids will learn five crucial stories that tell how Jesus gave us his life to rescue his people from sin. Kids learn about the following stories:

-Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1-11)

-Last Supper (Luke 22:14-30)

-Crucifixion (Luke 22:52-54; 63-65; 23:1-4 and 20-24; 23:26-56)

-The Resurrection (Luke 24:1-35)

-The Ascension (Luke 24:36-53)

As they hear these stories, kids will gain an understanding about how these stories fit together in the overall narrative of the Gospels to tell about the greatest sacrifice the world has ever known. These lessons will focus on The Fall in our broken world, while pointing to Christ’s Redemption of our sin and future Restoration of our world. Kids will understand why Christ’s death and resurrection are at the central to our salvation and faith (the Gospel).

Lesson Title: Palm Sunday
Lesson Overview:

Kids will learn about the significance of Jesus entering Jerusalem – he was headed to give up his life for our sins. Kids will create their own palm branches and end the morning with a Hosanna parade.

Lesson Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11
Lesson Objective: Kids will retell the story of Palm Sunday.
Lesson Application: When we recognize who Jesus is, a right heart response is worship.

People’s Responses to Jesus
Date: February 9, 2025
Unit: People’s Responses to Jesus
Elementary Essential: God is relational: He wants us to know him.
Memory Verse: “I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!” – Mark 9:24
Unit Overview:

Kids will learn about five different responses to Jesus in the New Testament: Nicodemus, Peter, Judas, Mary (who anoints Jesus’s feet), and the Pharisees. Through examining these encounters, kids will see how our hearts can respond in different ways to the truth of the Gospel. Some people fall at Jesus’s feet in humility and love, while others proudly do not see their need of him. The best way to respond to Christ is in faith and humility out of a transformed heart given in worship. However, no one can fully respond this way because, despite our best efforts, we are all tainted with sin. Christ does not demand a perfect response, but rather asks that we put our faith in him. A right and biblical response to Christ is: “I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

Lesson Title: Peter Responds with Faith & Betrayal
Lesson Overview:

Kids will break into three groups. Each will read one of the stories in the Bible about Peter responding to Jesus. Small groups will then share with the others about the story they read (through a play, a drawing, or a description.)

Lesson Scripture: Luke 5:1-11, Matthew 14:22-36, Luke 22:54-62, John 21:15-17
Lesson Objective: Kids will learn we cannot respond to Jesus rightly all the time; we can be thankful for God’s grace.
Lesson Application: When I learn of Jesus, I want to respond with faith and humility.

A Study of 1st Samuel
Date: February 9, 2025
Unit: A Study of 1st Samuel
Elementary Essential: God is relational: He is compassionate and sees, hears, cares, and responds when his children are in need.
Unit Overview:

Students will spend most of the year studying the life of David as found in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. This month they’ll learn what the beginning of David’s kingship was like. They’ll learn it wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t without sin, and yet God still used David. In the same way God can use us for his glory and his purposes.

Lesson Title: Absalom’s Destruction and Death
Lesson Overview:

Students will hear the story of David fleeing from Absalom and his plan to fight him. They’ll read the story of Absalom’s death, review different trials David faced, and see that through it all, God was there keeping his promises. The same is true in our lives and the difficult circumstances we face.

Lesson Scripture: 2 Samuel 15:13-19:15
Activity: Students will play a memory verse game to help them memorize 2 Samuel 7:16.